Cách làm chấy tẩy rửa với baking soda


As you all know, baking soda is a substance with many household applications such as baking, detergents, deodorants,… So how to create household cleaners using use them properly? We will learn and some recipes for making household cleaners from baking soda.

If you do not know what baking soda is, you can refer to our article below:

>>>What is Baking Soda? Application of Baking Soda?<<<

1. Multi-purpose household cleaner

Try using this all-purpose household cleaner on every surface to disinfect and freshen your home. This all-purpose household cleaner recipe includes vinegar – to help remove stains and odors, and a little essential oil to add a pleasant scent to your home.

– Ingredients of multi-purpose cleaning solution:

+ Spray bottle (about 600ml)

+ Small funnel

+ 1/2 cup white vinegar rice (about 100ml)

+ 2 tablespoons of Baking Soda

+ Tea tree oil

+ Eucalyptus essential oil

– Instructions for brewing:

+ Place the funnel over the mouth of the bottle and pour in 1/2 cup of white vinegar.

Add 2 tablespoons of Baking Soda and wait for the foam to subside.

+ Add 10 drops of tea and eucalyptus essential oils to each.

Fill the rest of the bottle with water.

+ Screw the spray head into the bottle and shake well before use.

=>> After mixing, spray evenly on the surface you need to clean, then wipe with a dry towel. Everything has been sanitized and antibacterial.

2. Sanitize the toilet and bathroom area

– With normally dirty places

For places with common stains such as floors, porcelain surfaces, lavabor, just mix baking soda in water and then scrub, everything will be very clean. In addition, equipment and toiletries with stubborn stains will be cleaned and polished with the following mixture:

+ Mix a mixture of vinegar and baking soda in a ratio of 2:1

+ Apply directly to rusty devices, then use a towel or sponge to clean


– For toilets

The toilet is a place that is often stained by hard water, and a place where harmful bacteria are concentrated. Please clean them regularly to bring comfort and repel germs.



+ Mix 300g of baking soda with 300ml of vinegar

+ Pour into toilet or lavabor and let it sit for 15 minutes

+ This process will make the toilet shiny and remove stubborn bacteria.

3. Handling slightly clogged drainage system

A slightly clogged drainage system is the main cause of difficulty in draining water, stagnation of dirt and unpleasant odors in the home. Use the recipe below to create a mixture to help unclog drains.


– Composition of the drain solution:

+ 1 cup of vinegar (about 235ml)

+ 120g Baking Soda

– Instructions for mixing and using:

+ Pour 120gbaking soda down the drainage system

+ Next is 235ml vinegar

+ Let it sit for 10-20 minutes, then drain very hot water into the drain,

Soap, hair, dirt will quickly be broken down. This method can be applied to clogged showers for a long time. you just need to remove the shower and soak in the above solution, if not remove the ingredients then mix the ingredients in a sturdy plastic bag. Secure the bag around the shower head with an elastic band to submerge the fixture for an hour, then remove the bag and run hot water for a few minutes.

4. Cleaning the kitchen area

– Natural washing water

+ Mix 10g of Baking soda in 1 liter of water

+ Soaking vegetables for 12-15 minutes is enough to remove 80-96% of pesticides (thiabendazole or phosmet) from fruits and vegetables.

– With stains on the cooking area

+ Mix Baking soda with a little dishwashing liquid, use a wet cloth to absorb and wipe the surface to be cleaned

+ This mixture removes all stains in the cooking space without corroding or damaging the surface

– The kitchen is sticky with grease and food

+ Sprinkle a little Backing soda powder on those places

+ Pour a little vinegar on the ratio 1:2, and wait for about 30 minutes

+ Brush again with clean water, the stain will be blown away easily

– With pans and pots, food sticks or burns

+ Dissolve 3 tablespoons of Baking soda in 1 liter of water  (you can add 1 tablespoon of dishwashing liquid)

+ Bring the above solution to a boil, let it cool for 15-30 minutes

+ Just gently rub the stains will come off on their own, then just rinse with regular dishwashing liquid

– Clean cutting boards

+ Sprinkle a little powder Baking soda on the surface of the cutting board and wait for about 20 minutes

+ Next, use a piece of lemon to rub on the surface of the cutting board

+ Rinse normally with water

– With the refrigerator, the kitchen pantry has a smell

+ Just put the box baking soda in that area and the odors and strange odors disappear


5. Cleaning the living room area

– Clean the air

+ Put 120g of baking soda and 15-25 drops of any essential oil in a small glass jar and mix well

+ Use a paper towel or thin cloth to cover the lid of the jar, fix it with an elastic band and place it anywhere in the living room

+ After a while, your room is clean of odors and the faint scent of essential oils spreads throughout your living room

– Eliminate odors and mold on carpets and decorative pillows

+ Sprinkle a thin layer of baking soda on the surface and wait 15 minutes

+ Carry out vacuuming as usual

=> This is an effective way to deodorize these objects

– Removes carpet stains (including wine stains)

+ Mix 1 cup of baking soda with 1 cup of white vinegar into a paste (mix ratio 1:1)

+ Apply the mixture on the stain and wait for it to dry

+ Use a normal vacuum cleaner

=> If the stain is still not clean, after the above mixture dries (about 15 minutes), you put a clean towel on top of the stain and iron it a few times with an iron. The stain will quickly soak into the towel and no longer cling to your carpet

6. Cleaning clothes, fabrics, washing machines

– Cleaning the drum of the washing machine

+ Remove all clothes from the washing tub

+ Prepare 250 grams of Soda and 300ml of vinegar

+ Mix this mixture well

+ Pour the mixture into the washing tub

+ Choose the normal washing mode with the longest time

+ Finish the washing process, open the lid to remove the smell after cleaning


– Remove stains on clothes (especially yellow stains)

+ Prepare the mixture: 1 tablespoon of baking soda and 1 tablespoon of vinegar

+ Apply the mixture on the stains and wait for about 15 – 60 minutes (depending on the stubborn condition of the stain and the new or old stain)

+ Wash and rinse again with washing water as normal

=>> If you want to bleach clothes, the same recipe as above, but replace the vinegar with 1 tablespoon of hydrogen peroxide or half a lemon.


>>> Above are some “green” recipes for household use made from the main ingredient of Baking Soda, accompanied by vinegar or lemon. You can easily find it in the market at a low price. They bring unexpected effects, and are especially safe for all members of your family. Good luck!

See also: 5 deodorant applications of activated carbon in the home

See also: 4 ways to get rid of car odors


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