Giày có mùi hôi? Nguyên nhân và cách khử mùi hôi giày



Short answer: Sweat and bacteria. There are three reasons for this:

1. Due to excessive sweat glands:  Because many people have more sweat glands in their feet than usual, the amount of sweat secretes a lot, which causes the moisture in the feet to increase from which bacteria also have the opportunity. develop, long-term cause foot odor. There are 250,000 sweat glands in the feet

2. Due to the habit of wearing shoes a lot:  Many people due to the nature of work, even though they don’t sweat a lot, wearing closed shoes also makes their feet tight and not ventilated. Besides, unsanitary shoes for a long time is also an easy cause for bacteria to thrive, causing foot odor.

3. Using unsuitable socks or shoes:  You use too tight socks or shoes that are too tight, causing your feet to be slightly trapped, leading to sweaty feet.

=>> Whatever it is, foot odor is a common nuisance in most households and individuals. Losing everyone’s confidence.


1. Natural solution for foot and shoes odor

So what can you do about smelly feet and smelly shoes? As a brand specializing in providing cleaning products, especially deodorant products, we receive a lot of related questions. We have a few natural solutions. Basically, you need to kill bacteria in your shoes or prevent bacteria from growing in the first place. You can combine the following tips for maximum scent control:

+ Keep feet clean: Washing your feet daily with soap will help remove bacteria and odors from your feet a lot. And soaking your feet in a hot salt water bath not only kills bacteria, but also helps relax muscles.

+ Keep your feet dry: Make sure your feet are dry before putting on socks or shoes, especially if you’ve just taken a shower. Water stuck between the toes is a common culprit. Also, sprinkle some baby powder on your shoes before putting them on to help keep your feet dry.

+ Foot soak with tea water: Tea leaves have antioxidants and anti-inflammatory properties, you can soak your feet in tea, which can both improve the skin of your feet and can make your feet disinfected and remove the bacteria that cause infection. foot disease. You should maintain this for a week to 10 days to be able to treat foot odor.

+ Treat foot odor with soybeans: Soaking your feet in soy water that is simmered for about 20 minutes after cooling is an effective treatment for foot odor, soy helps improve the skin of the feet and also helps to keep the feet open, reduce foot sweat.

+ Foot soak with essential oils: You can use some essential oils, mix with water with a few drops of essential oils to soak your feet for about 15 to 20 minutes, it will make your feet airy and fragrant.

+ Choose breathable shoes: Some materials allow the shoe to be more breathable, which inhibits bacterial growth and therefore less odor.

+ Wearing socks/socks: This is the main cause of foot odor. Some people use shoes without socks. This is really a bad habit for your feet, in addition to the perspiration of the feet that penetrates directly into the shoes, causing odors, it also affects the injury of the feet due to direct rubbing. into shoes.

+ Drying shoes in the sun: Shoes that are left to dry in the sun will be dried, avoiding moldy conditions. UV rays from the sun will kill certain types of bacteria and fungi that cause odor in your shoes.

Researchers and observers in Europe conducted a simple follow-up and test on people using shoes with and without socks. They came to a conclusion that: Using shoes without socks causes foot odor significantly higher than the habit of using socks.

When wearing shoes without socks, canvas shoes are 3 times more likely to harbor germs than other materials.

The use of a pair of socks, socks for many days without washing and hygiene is also the cause of foot odor. This often happens in men because of laziness that refuses to change, wash socks every day. A pair of socks that are used over and over again carries a lot of bacteria and mold, leading to more severe foot odor.

2. Use products to help deodorize shoes

Wash shoes often

For canvas shoes and canvas shoes without non-washable elements such as leather, or fitted with lights. This wash also works well for plastic or rubber shoes, like Crocs or flip flops. To keep your shoes clean, wash them every few months or anytime they start to smell or get dirty. After washing, take the shoes out in the sun to dry. Sunlight will also help deodorize your shoes by killing any remaining bacteria.

Use Baking Soda Powder

It can be said,  Baking soda is one of the extremely versatile ingredients. Not only in the kitchen, bathroom, baking soda is also a “divine” ingredient that can “fly away” shoe odor as well as a way to deodorize doll shoes, sandals and many other shoes.

Deodorizing shoes with baking soda is done as follows:

  • Sprinkle 3-4 teaspoons of baking soda directly on the inside of the shoe.
  • Then leave them overnight.
  • The next day, pour the remaining powder out before putting the shoes on.

>>> See more: What is baking soda? Uses of Baking Soda

Use shoe deodorant sprays

Specialized shoe spray bottle is a popular way to deodorize doll shoes, sandals, and sports shoes. When buying a shoe deodorant spray, you need to pay attention to the type specifically for leather or canvas shoes. Because some shoe deodorant sprays can stain or damage the leather.

Deodorizer & Neutralizer is a great product for you. The raw ingredients of Multi-purpose deodorant SPIRIT absorb and thoroughly eliminate shoe odors, antibacterial properties help limit the growth of bacteria and fungi that cause odor.

With its compact design, the Deodorizer & Neutralizer will follow you wherever you go, giving you confidence.

Use white vinegar

White vinegar is a great and super simple way to deodorize shoes.

  • First, use a paper towel soaked in white vinegar and wipe the inside of the shoe.
  • Then, let the shoes dry completely before wearing them.
  • You can roll up newspaper and stuff it into your shoes to absorb moisture if you’re using too much vinegar.


Use lemon juice

Lemon is a refreshing fruit, and at the same time, it is used as a detergent and is widely used in daily life. Lemon juice also works to deodorize shoes very effectively, especially this is an effective way to deodorize football shoes. So how to use lemon to deodorize shoes?

  • Prepare 1 lemon along with 2 newspapers.
  • Squeeze the lemon juice into the newspaper and place it in the shoe. Each one corresponds to ½ lemon and 1 newspaper.
  • Leave overnight and take out the next morning.

The way to deodorize football shoes with lemon is both simple and effective. Help the moldy, smelly shoes will quickly be replaced by a pair of fresh and lemon-scented shoes.

Use salt

Very good salt can get rid of unpleasant odors on your shoes. This spice  is not only naturally antibacterial, but also has the ability to absorb excess moisture and the odors that go with it.

Simply pour a small amount of salt into each shoe and shake it around to make sure the salt covers the inner sole, then leave it on for about 24 hours. Sprinkle salt inside and wear normal shoes

Use alcohol

Using alcohol as a way to deodorize shoes is used by many people. Because alcohol not only disinfects and disinfects, but also evaporates quite quickly. Therefore, they help damp shoes quickly evaporate. The shoe smell is also gone.
Spray alcohol on the inside of the shoe. This method will help eliminate the sources of odor and hopefully you can use the shoes you love again and again.

Use tea bags

Tea contains Tannin, which is a substance that has the effect of killing bacteria that accumulate in shoes and eliminating odors.

How to deodorize shoes with tea bags is quite simple:

  • Soak two tea bags in boiling water to activate the tannins.
  • After 5 minutes, remove the tea bag and let it cool.
  • When the tea bag cools, place a tea bag in the lap of each shoe.
  • Wait for 2 hours for the tannins to disinfect and absorb shoe odors
  • Then, use a dry cloth to clean the shoes.

Not only sports shoes, this is also a very effective way to deodorize leather shoes.

Use coffee grounds

If you are a coffee addict, great, take advantage as they are considered all-purpose deodorants. The way to deodorize shoes sandal, leather shoes, sports shoes with coffee is quite effective, but few people know this.

  • First, put the coffee grounds in the freezer to let them dry. (Note, do not use wet coffee grounds as they can make your smell worse.)
  • Sprinkle coffee grounds on the inside of the shoes and leave them for a few hours.
  • Then, remember to pour out the coffee grounds before bringing them in.


=>>> Above are the causes and some simple ways to get rid of  odor in feet foot and shoes. If you have any other natural solutions, leave them in the comments!

See more: Causes of bad smell in cars


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