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>>> What is activated carbon? Application of activated carbon? <<<

Scientists have studied and proven that activated carbon has a very large contact surface area, about 50 – 1000 m2/gram. The internal structure of the molecule has many nooks and crannies like a honeycomb with an extremely small size, so coal has good adsorption capacity with gases with polar ionic or covalent bonds.

Advantages of activated carbon deodorant

There are many ways that you can use to get rid of odors such as: using scented spray products, scented sachets, scented waxes, etc. without completely eliminating the source of the odor. On the contrary, when using  activated charcoal deodorant  there will be advantages such as:

Completely absorb odors and dirt in the air to make the air fresh and clean
Activated carbon deodorant is extremely safe for human health because it is produced from available materials in nature.
Suitable for use in small spaces such as cars, refrigerators, bedrooms, bathrooms,…
Activated carbon deodorant has a long-lasting effect, less need to be replaced, usually from 6-12 monthsnew materials must be replaced
Cost savings because activated carbon is relatively cheap.

Application of activated charcoal deodorant in the home

Have you ever used scented sachets, scented wax or room spray to deodorize your car, bedroom, or refrigerator? You notice that these products only create fragrance, but do not address the root of the odor. Therefore, the odor will quickly return and cause adverse health effects. Therefore, using activated charcoal to deodorize is an effective way for you to solve this drawback.

Activated charcoal deodorant

1. Deodorize the refrigerator

The refrigerator is a place to store a lot of food and food for the family. Therefore, if not cleaned regularly and properly, it is very likely that the refrigerator will become a scary bacteria and cause unpredictable harm to the health of you and your family members.

Therefore, using activated charcoal to deodorize will have the effect of absorbing all harmful bacteria. In addition to regular cleaning such as cleaning and checking to remove spoiled food in the cabinet, you just need to put a little activated carbon in a bag or small bowl and then put it in the cabinet. Ensure all odors and bacteria in the cabinet will be absorbed by activated carbon in just a few hours.

How to do: You put about 300 to 500 grams of activated carbon and a bag or a small bowl and then place it in the refrigerator, only a few hours of activated carbon will absorb odors and bacteria in the refrigerator. Besides deodorizing with activated carbon, you need to regularly clean the refrigerator to limit the smell of the refrigerator.

2. Car deodorizer

Cars are places with very small spaces and often have to close the doors, resulting in no air circulation and exchange. Therefore, it is easy to generate unpleasant odors due to: food odors, air conditioner odors, .. causing car sickness, discomfort.

As mentioned above, if you only use the methods of creating fragrance to overwhelm the odor, the effectiveness will not be high and sometimes it even produces extremely unpleasant odors.

How to do it:  You take about 300g to 500g of activated carbon and put it in a mesh bag, or you can buy a bag of activated carbon and leave it in the car. Ensure all odors, musty odors will completely disappear and be more secure for the health of you and your loved ones.

3. Deodorize the kitchen

Like the refrigerator, the kitchen is also a place where a lot of odors from cooking, grease, food odors, etc., if you only use a conventional hood, it will definitely not be able to remove all the odors. This. So, add an activated carbon filter to the hoods to solve these problems!

Or you can also put activated carbon in fine powder form into small bowls and then put it in places that often generate odors such as the cooking area, garbage place or less-cleaned corners of the wall so that the activated carbon can absorb all the impurities. the cause of the smell.

4. Deodorize the bedroom

The bedroom is a place to help you have moments of relaxation, rest to regain strength after a tiring day of work. However, this is also an area that often generates odors due to dirt from your clothes on the road, from food, from cigarettes, from air conditioners, from moldy smells, etc.

No matter how often you clean, the bedroom can still produce an unpleasant odor, which makes you feel annoying and more dangerous than it can directly affect your health.

How to do: Similar to activated carbon bags used for cars

So, how to get rid of the bad smell in the bedroom?

In addition to regular cleaning and cleaning, you should leave more bags of activated carbon deodorizing in the corners of the room, where there is little light so that the activated carbon can absorb all the bacteria and mold that will help the room. greatly reduce odors.

5. Deodorize wardrobe, shoes

Closets, shoes are places that often lack light, so this is an ideal place for insects and mold to grow. These are the reasons why your favorite clothes, even after being washed, still have an unpleasant odor when taken out of the closet.

Therefore, you should always put a bag of activated carbon deodorant in the cabinet to remove all mold and odors in the cabinet to help your clothes/shoes become fragrant, clean and healthy. Please!

How to do it:  Besides the bags of activated carbon as above, we also have plastic balls containing activated carbon that deodorizes good shoes.

>>> Also, you can refer to our Multi-purpose Deodorizer & Neutralizer <<<

Deodorizer & Neutralizer is a deodorizing and disinfecting brand that includes many products that are used for many different purposes of deodorizing. SPIRIT compounds help to deodorize by absorbing and removing odors in the air, cars, bathrooms, kitchens, wardrobes, shoes, curtains, blankets, public areas. … The disinfecting and antibacterial feature helps to purify the air, bringing a fresh and fresh space for the family. Safe for health and environment.


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