Toilet bowls, sinks and toilets are home to countless pathogens that are dangerous to the body. In the article below, Qualitas DC will name 5 common dangerous diseases from bacteria and fungi that spread in the toilet area. At the same time help you prevent these pathogens!



The first disease Qualitas DC mentions is definitely the diseases related to the gastrointestinal tract, specifically diarrhea. Common pathogenic bacteria in the toilet such as E.coli, Shigella, Campylobacter or Salmonella released through waste can completely stay on the toilet seat and infect your body. This is the main cause of diarrhea.

Diarrhea can lead to conditions such as: continuous bowel movements that cause dehydration, electrolyte imbalance, malnutrition and worse, coma if not treated promptly.

Food poisoning

Another disease related to the digestive tract is food poisoning – also known as food poisoning. If you don’t know, not washing your hands or not washing thoroughly after using the toilet can cause food poisoning. Because, the  bacteria  in the dirty toilet will stick to your hands and when they come into contact with food, they will enter the body, negatively affecting your health.

Food poisoning can lead to conditions such as: high fever, vomiting and constant bowel movements, causing dehydration, electrolyte imbalance, malnutrition and worse, coma if not treated. timely treatment.


This is an acute infectious disease of the gastrointestinal tract. Cholera is caused by the bacterium Vibrio cholera. Just like the bacteria that cause diarrhea, cholera can also stay on surfaces the toilet seat and cling to other items in the toilet. They are easy to enter the human body through the mouth if contaminated hands come into contact with food.

Cholera causes persistent vomiting and diarrhea, which if not treated promptly can lead to death.

Skin infections

Dirty toilet seats harbor Streptococci bacteria that cause skin infections. Accordingly, dirt that is not thoroughly cleaned will stick to the skin causing itching, acne growing on the buttocks, allergies around the anus or worse, impetigo and necrotizing tissue inflammation.

So, what is the method to prevent these diseases?

The simple answer is: Clean the toilet bowl and clean the toilet every day. Not only the toilet, but the toilet lid or other items in the toilet area should also be cleaned daily. The toilet is a place that contains many harmful bacteria, if you take the time to clean them daily, these bacteria will often be eliminated and prevent their ability to multiply. From there, the risk of bacterial diseases of family members will be reduced. Not only that, daily cleaning will also help your toilet room clean and cool.

In addition, the selection of toilet and toilet cleaning products is also extremely important if you do not want to “lose money”. Normally, toilet and toilet cleaning products will be highly detergent and corrosive. Therefore, you should choose reputable and quality products to avoid affecting items as well as harming your health.

TOILET BOWL CLEANER is a product that helps remove stains and disinfect toilets with high efficiency, making the toilet clean and shiny. Easily penetrates into small crevices, hidden places of the toilet to remove stains and kill harmful bacteria and fungi.

=> Above Qualitas DC has listed some common diseases caused by harmful bacteria in the toilet area and preventive measures. Clean toilets or toilets greatly reduce the risk of bacterial diseases, especially digestive tract diseases. So, take some time to keep your toilet clean and prevent illness. Good luck!

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