Static electricity is the accumulation of electrical charge on the surface of an object, which is the result of unequal positive and negative charges between two objects.

More clearly, static electricity is understood as an imbalance between positive and negative charges on the surface/or interior of a material that occurs when electrons (negatively charged particles in an atom) move from from one material to another. If the receiving material is isolated or not a conductor, it tends to trap electrons, leading to a build-up of charge.

Since this charge is not moving, it is called static electricity. When conditions allow the accumulated charge to flow, the excess charge is released and it becomes an electric current.


Matter is made up of charge-neutral  atoms). because they contain equal amounts of positive (protons in nucleus) and negative (electrons in the shell). Static electricity requires this separation of positive and negative charges. When two materials come into contact, negative charge moves from one to the other, causing an excess of positive charge on one material, and an excess of negative charge on the other. As more electrons move from one material to another – due to repeated contact between them – additional negative charges build up in a process known as the triboelectric effect. When the materials are separated, this charge imbalance is maintained.


The effects of static electricity are very familiar to everyday life as most people can feel, hear and see the sparks when an excess charge is neutralized near a large conductor ( eg ground wire).

Electrostatic Discharge (ESD)

A good example of this discharge is lightning in nature. Static electricity will try to “discharge”, “discharge” the charge to return to a neutral state. When you see the doorknob being jerked, there is actually an electrostatic discharge from your hand into the doorknob. Electrostatic discharge above 3000V, will be enough for you to see “jump”. With levels above 5000V you can hear sound, and with levels above 10,000V you can see sparks (like lightning).

There are cases where the electrical discharge is large enough, occurring in an environment with a lot of flammable and explosive vapors solvents (gasoline, gas,…) that can give rise to a fire and cause a fire.

Electrostatic Attraction (ESA)

Static electricity on the surface of an object, when large enough (about 2000V) will create an electrostatic field, which will cause polarization for objects entering the electrostatic field. The electrostatic attraction, or Coulomb force, will attract these objects to the surface of the electrostatic carrier (provided that this force overcomes other forces being applied to the object, such as gravity).

The harmful effects of static electricity

For man

Objects that are heavily electrostatically charged will create an extremely strong electric field in their surroundings. This electric field has long-term harmful effects on human health, in which, the nervous system, reproductive system and circulatory system are most affected. Especially electrostatic discharge can shock the operator, causing occupational accidents.

In some cases when it’s cold, clothes and household items get charged. This will cause an electric discharge every time it comes into contact with the body, causing discomfort, even pain.

In production

Static electricity has two basic forms of harm:

The first is an electrical discharge (ESD) that causes damage, malfunction, or deterioration of electronic components, assemblies (such as circuit boards), or an entire device. The usual way of causing harm is through electric currents, or through the electromagnetic waves fields generated during discharge.

The second is electrostatic adsorption (ESA). There is a lot of dust in the air that can’t be seen with the naked eye. A single particle of dust as small as 1 micrometer is enough to cause a short-circuit in a semiconductor circuit. This electrostatic attraction phenomenon greatly affects the quality of production processes that need clean surfaces such as: Printing, optical assembly, food packaging, pharmaceuticals, coatings, paints, cements. plating, semiconductor…etc..

Therefore, anti-static, anti-static on items is extremely important. Especially in industries working with electronic components, machinery and equipment, etc.


Antistatic / Antistatic – Antistatic is our use of conductive materials with an allowable resistance between 10^4 Ω and 10^9 Ω to help dissipate the generated charges. Or it can bring that charge to the ground to avoid phenomena such as short, fire and explosion that endanger human life and the production process. Different materials will have different solutions:

  • For conductive materials, the most common method is direct grounding.
  • For materials that do not conduct static electricity such as natural and mixed materials, the only solution is to use an SMC ionizer. This is a method to create ions that neutralize electrostatic areas, if not neutralized by free charges, static electricity is lost very slowly.
    Insulating materials allow groups of negative and positive charges to form. As charges cannot travel across the surface of this material, grounding cannot remove these charges. Ionization is the only means of eliminating static electricity in insulating materials. The ionization of free electrons in the air by means of high voltage polarization produces a continuous flow of negative and positive charges. These charges will combine with opposite charges on the surface of the material thereby eliminating static electricity on the insulating surface. Use antistatic devices that can remove ions by neutralizing them. Some common anti-static devices are: anti-static bar, anti-static nozzle, anti-static gun, air knife, ion blower, electrostatic charger, electrostatic bracelet, ground wire… (antistatic bar, ionizing nozzle, ionizing gun, air knife, ionizing blower, charging, wrist trap…).

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